Our policy is based on the research of Prof Tim Noakes, a sport scientist and consultant to many sporting bodies in the country. Most independent schools in South Africa are now adopting the following outlook on sport.The primary purpose of sport at primary school is to:
- Establish a life-long pattern of physical activity for a life-long pattern of good health.
- Develop a core interest in physical activity.
- Develop gross- and fine-motor abilities and muscle strength.
- Do one's best, independent of ability.
- Develop social and physical skills.
- Understand that you are a winner if you have done your best.
At Riverview Preparatory School we believe that all children should participate in physical activity, but not primarily for the purpose of winning. We shall work on 'Personal Bests' - where children are encouraged to better themselves, in all sports. Times are taken for swimming, running and cross country. High jump, long jump and shot putt distances are measured. Small, measurable targets are set, e.g. for swimming: one width; one length; one length of each stroke; an individual medley; and for each milestone reached, achievements are recognized.
- Under 7's and under 9's all participate in the mini-tournaments, play in all positions and all children will have a turn in the team. Participation is more important than winning.
- Under 10 and older: The best candidates at the practice are selected for the teams. Skills development continue for the rest of the children, with the purpose of instilling life-long patterns of healthy exercise, positive attitude and a knowledge of and the exposure to all the school's sports.
- Sport is a compulsory part of the curriculum, but the emphasis is more on personal mastery, competition and enjoyment through small, measurable achievements. If children with talent are selected for provincial teams, every effort is made to assist them further.
Cross Country
Term 1 & 4
Term 3 & 4
Term 2
Term 3
Term 2
Term 4
Term 4
Term 2
All grades
All grades
All grades
All grades
All grades
All grades
All grades
Click here to download sport uniform information
Cultural Activities
Creative Arts
Creative Arts is part of the Life Orientation curriculum. It provides exposure to a range of art forms, such as dance, drama, music, and visual arts in the senior phase. The main purpose of Creative Arts is to develop learners as creative and imaginative individuals. A safe and supportive environment is created for learners to explore, experience and express thoughts, ideas and concepts within an atmosphere of openness and acceptance.
At Riverview Preparatory School we encourage the children to express themselves creatively in the visual arts in all grades. The children are exposed to a variety of mediums and projects are varied and involve either 2D or 3D art. Mediums explored include clay, wire, Papier Mache, oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolours, fine liners, paint and charcoal.
Information about famous artists is shared using power point presentations which provides inspiration for particular tasks. The elements of art provide the basis for all projects, namely, line, shape and form, colour, texture, space and value.
Riverview children from Grade 1 to 7 have the opportunity to participate in the Eisteddfod Art each year.
Music is a natural form of communication and expression that we believe our learners can associate with. Class music is also done in the library and forms part of the curriculum. Children dance, sing and develop a love of movement and learn new songs to sing. The children are encouraged to express their creative side in free movement and dance.
Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship is held on a Wednesday at 07h30 for all learners. A voluntary prayer group of interested parents also meet weekly on a Wednesday morning to pray for the children and the school. Please contact the office for more information on 013 007 0984.
Our school library is a calm inviting space where a love of gathering information, browsing through books and a love of reading is encouraged. Comfortable soft furnishings make it the ideal space to sit back and enjoy our big variety of books.
Drama Productions
Every year Riverview presents a musical production which involves all Grades in the Prep school. Our children’s incredible abilities and potentials are witnessed on stage. The Pre-school has an annual nativity play which can involve our Cubs from as young as 18 months.
Extra-Mural Activities
The following extra-mural lessons are available to learners after hours for parents' own cost:
Swimming Lessons
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
To download contact list "click here"
Our policy is based on the research of Prof Tim Noakes, a sport scientist and consultant to many sporting bodies in the country. Most independent schools in South Africa are now adopting the following outlook on sport.The primary purpose of sport at primary school is to:
- Establish a life-long pattern of physical activity for a life-long pattern of good health.
- Develop a core interest in physical activity.
- Develop gross- and fine-motor abilities and muscle strength.
- Do one's best, independent of ability.
- Develop social and physical skills.
- Understand that you are a winner if you have done your best.
At Riverview Preparatory School we believe that all children should participate in physical activity, but not primarily for the purpose of winning. We shall work on 'Personal Bests' - where children are encouraged to better themselves, in all sports. Times are taken for swimming, running and cross country. High jump, long jump and shot putt distances are measured. Small, measurable targets are set, e.g. for swimming: one width; one length; one length of each stroke; an individual medley; and for each milestone reached, achievements are recognized.
- Under 7's and under 9's all participate in the mini-tournaments, play in all positions and all children will have a turn in the team. Participation is more important than winning.
- Under 10 and older: The best candidates at the practice are selected for the teams. Skills development continue for the rest of the children, with the purpose of instilling life-long patterns of healthy exercise, positive attitude and a knowledge of and the exposure to all the school's sports.
- Sport is a compulsory part of the curriculum, but the emphasis is more on personal mastery, competition and enjoyment through small, measurable achievements. If children with talent are selected for provincial teams, every effort is made to assist them further.
Athletics - Term 1 & 4 - All grades
Swimming - Term 1 & 4 - All grades
Cricket - Term 3 & 4 - All grades
Soccer - Term 2 - All grades
Hockey - Term 3 - All grades
Netball - Term 2 - All grades
Tri-biathlon - Term 4 - All grades
Cross Country - Term 4 - All grades
Rugby - Term 4 - Seniors
Click here to download sport uniform information
Cultural Activities
Creative Arts
Creative Arts is part of the Life Orientation curriculum. It provides exposure to a range of art forms, such as dance, drama, music, and visual arts in the senior phase. The main purpose of Creative Arts is to develop learners as creative and imaginative individuals. A safe and supportive environment is created for learners to explore, experience and express thoughts, ideas and concepts within an atmosphere of openness and acceptance.
At Riverview Preparatory School we encourage the children to express themselves creatively in the visual arts in all grades. The children are exposed to a variety of mediums and projects are varied and involve either 2D or 3D art. Mediums explored include clay, wire, Papier Mache, oil pastels, chalk pastels, watercolours, fine liners, paint and charcoal.
Information about famous artists is shared using power point presentations which provides inspiration for particular tasks. The elements of art provide the basis for all projects, namely, line, shape and form, colour, texture, space and value.
Riverview children from Grade 1 to 7 have the opportunity to participate in the Eisteddfod Art each year.
Music is a natural form of communication and expression that we believe our learners can associate with. Class music is also done in the library and forms part of the curriculum. Children dance, sing and develop a love of movement and learn new songs to sing. The children are encouraged to express their creative side in free movement and dance.
Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship is held on a Wednesday at 07h30 for all learners. A voluntary prayer group of interested parents also meet weekly on a Wednesday morning to pray for the children and the school. Please contact the office for more information on 013 007 0984.
Our school library is a calm inviting space where a love of gathering information, browsing through books and a love of reading is encouraged. Comfortable soft furnishings make it the ideal space to sit back and enjoy our big variety of books.
Drama Productions
Every year Riverview presents a musical production which involves all Grades in the Prep school. Our children’s incredible abilities and potentials are witnessed on stage. The Pre-school has an annual nativity play which can involve our Cubs from as young as 18 months.
Extra-Mural Activities
The following extra-mural lessons are available to learners after hours for parents' own cost:
Swimming Lessons
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
To download contact list "click here"